Case History 328
Osaka Castle


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This is the second revision of Case History 328 found in the IDPFs. You will note that the date 27 January 1947 is two years before the conclusion of this Case History
in early 1949.

A total of 10 pages is below and ordinarily these would be divided between two sections. In order to assist viewers with continuity I made the decision to place all pages here.

The first two and a half pages concern primarily general information about the disinterments at Osaka.

Remaining pages go into various degrees of detail of the recovery of the 55 men executed at Osaka. Each starts with an X-number and this is expanded once identification of the man is made. You will find some men with two X-numbers and although I cannot find any specific reason for this, it appears that two different jurisdictions made this decision.

As the low numbers are definitely from Osaka, it is possible that the three digit numbers were assigned at the Yokohama Cemetery.