There are very few documents outside of Cpl Stanley Forystek's
Individual Deceased Personnel File ( IDPF ).
Based upon 499th Bomb Group Morning Reports from Roy Wall,
he was with the 499th Bomb Group for three weeks :
4 May - 27 May 1945.
Cpl Forystek was at Smoky Hills AAF (SHAAF ) , Salina, Kansas,
with the 39th Bomb Group, 62nd Bomb Squadron, in November 1944.
The 39th Bomb Group arrived at SHAAF as the 499th Bomb Group was
departing for Saipan in October and November 1944.
Reel B0128 from the Air Force Historical Research Agency
covers the history of the 39th Bomb Group from SHAAF to Guam.
The only other member of the Burrell crew who appears in this history
is Cpl Whalen.
Both are in the initial movement orders for the Air Echelon issued
20 December 1944.
However, neither shows up in movement orders issued in March 1945
for the Air Echelon
to Hamilton Field, California,
the Flight Echelon to
Mather Field, Sacramento
According to his list of stations ( see below ), Cpl Forystek was
at both
Kearney AAF, Nebraska and
Mather AAF, Sacramento, California, in April 1945.
By this time the 39th Bomb Group was no longer in the Continental
United States.
Questions include:
How and why Cpl Forystek and Cpl Whalen were
transferred out of the 39th Bomb Group.
Where was the Burrell Crew formed.
What unit were they assigned to.
The 499th Bomb Group 4 May and 26 May 1945 Morning Reports
are the only documents in my files that list
the complete 1st Lt Edward K Burrell Crew.
( see Burrell Crew section
Nine of the crew were lost during the 25-26 1945
Maximum Effort Mission to the Urban Tokyo area.
Survivors were Sgt Warren Olson and Cpl Stanley Forystek.
They were captured and died of wounds a few days later at
the Tokyo Kempei Tai Headquarters Hospital.
Some of the details are in the
73rd Bomb Wing Mission #73
Burrell Crew
Yokohama Trial T-310

His father, Frank G Forystek was born in 1881 either in Poland
or that part of Poland controlled by Austria.
He came to the United States in either1900 or 1901.
He died in October 1944 while his son Stanley was at Smoky Hills AAF.
His mother, Victoria Szymanska Forystek, was born in 1889
and arrived in the United States in April 1892.
They were married sometime around 1910 and over the next 20 years
they had
9 children: Seven daughters and two sons.
Their first child child was born in March 1911.
The below screen shot from a Family Tree at
shows the birth and death dates of each of the children.
This Tree is for his sister Elizabeth ( 1927 * 2012 )
and her name is not in the list of siblings.
Based on US Census records covering the period 1910 - 1940
the family lived within Brooklyn Township, Hennepin County, Minnesota.
A few details are in the
Stanley Forystek registered for the draft in 1942.
Note that his residence was in Camden Station located
approximately 4 miles south of Brooklyn Village Center.
He enlisted on 22 July 1943 and at that time
his residence was Cook County, Illinois.
This matches the info on his Registration
( see Introduction section ).
Noteworthy is his enlistment taking place in New York City.
His first assignment was at Camp Upton, New York in August 1943.
This same month he was at Greensboro, North Carolina.
This was an Army Air Force Basic Training Center
utilized as an Overseas Replacement Depot ( ORD )
Below is his Enlistment Record
List of Stations
from his IDPF