December 2019
The concept of this web site to honor the 73rd Bomb Wing POW Heroes originated in early 2019. At that time I was putting together burial site spreadsheets for all the men of the 73rd Bomb Wing who died in WWII. Documents that you will encounter in visiting each man's page include, where available: MACR - Missing Air Crew Reports IDPF - Individual Deceased Personnel Files Links to web sites with additional information such as Find-A-Grave The format is to start with the date the B-29 was lost and have documents through the man's return home. Some of these men are within the Court of the Missing at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Others are on the Wall of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery. For those men who are listed as Remains Not Recoverable (RNR) in official documents my preference is to use KIA - RNR ( Killed in Action - Remains Not Recoverable ). They were known to be at a specific location in Japan, such has the Tokyo Military Prison, but no identifiable remains were discovered. There are documents within
the IDPFs that are common to most of the men. Each Case History will have its own web page Only the pages of the Case History that are relevant to each man will appear within his page.
Doug Comella 12 December 2019 |