The best introduction to SSgt Robert Loran Pellicot is at the
Bomb Group Virtual Cemetery
created by Scott Muselin.
In addition to a complete biographical sketch you will find
several newspaper articles and documents.
A few of these are repeated below.

SSgt Pellicot was born 17 Ocotber 1922 and lived in Baltimore, Maryland.
In the 1940 Census his age is 16 and
the 8th grade was his highest level of education.
His enlistment record states three years of high school.
At the time of the Census he was with the Civilian Conservation Corps.
The 360th Company was at Camp SCS-11 located in the vicinity of Frederick,
While there, he met his future wife, Minnie, and they were married
in 1942.
Their son Robert was born in 1943.
His Individual Deceased Personnel File ( IDPF ) consists of 96 pages.
Two other members of the Newell crew have 155-180 pages in their IDPFs.
This leads me to think that some pages were lost or not included in
his file.
As a result, I have had to use some pages from the
other crew members' files to clarify some details.
His ( IDPF ) does not have a list of his stations.
Two dental records have him at Amarillo Army Air Field
between April and June 1943.
He had been in the USAAF for two months at this time.
He became a part of the Newell Crew and departed Kansas for Saipan
in October 1944.
The crew was lost on a mission to Osaka 26 June 1945.
Within these pages you will encounter a few situations that I will
not be able to fully explain.
One of these is in the Coming Home section and concerns the
misspelling of his last name and date of birth on his grave marker
at Baltimore National Cemetery.
A second is his date of death.
His execution at the Jonan Rifle Range within
the Osaka Castle grounds took place in August.
What is unclear is the exact date of his death.
In the second page of Recovery
and Identification is a document
with the statement ' early part of August '.
The Summary Review in Yokohama
Trial T-328 uses
the phrase 'on or about 5 August.
Within the Official
Documents section date of death is stated as 15 August 1945.
This date is possibly the result of an administrative decision.
A third situation concerns his very quick identification
following his recovery from the grave at the Jonan Rifle Range.
Details are in the Recovery
and Identification section.

source: Scott Muselin
My thanks to :
Ed Lawson
( 1923 - 2021 )
John Lehnen
Jim Bowman
Roy Wall
Scott Muselin
POW Research Network Japan